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HD 222655



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Везани чланци

Chemically Tagging the HR 1614 Moving Group
We present abundances for a sample of F, G, and K dwarfs of the HR 1614moving group based on high-resolution, high signal-to-noise ratiospectra from the Anglo-Australian Telescope UCLES instrument. Our sampleincludes stars from Feltzing and Holmberg, as well as from Eggen.Abundances were derived for Na, Mg, Al, Si, Ca, Mn, Fe, Ni, Zr, Ba, Ce,Nd, and Eu. The α, Fe, and Fe-peak element abundances show abimodal distribution, with four stars having solar metallicities, whilethe remaining 14 stars are metal-rich, [Fe/H]>=0.25 dex. However, theabundances of these two groups converge for the heavier n-captureelements. Based on their photometry and kinematics, three of the fourdeviating stars are likely nonmembers or binaries. Although one starcannot be excluded on these grounds, we do expect low-levelcontamination from field stars within the HR 1614 moving group's rangeof magnitude, color, and space velocities. Disregarding these fourstars, the abundance scatter across the group members for all elementsis low. We find that there is an 80% probability that the intrinsicscatter does not exceed the following values: Fe, 0.01 dex; Na, 0.08dex; Mg, 0.02 dex; Al, 0.06 dex; Si, 0.02 dex; Ca, 0.02 dex; Mn, 0.01dex; Ni, 0.01 dex; Zr, 0.03 dex; Ba, 0.03 dex; Ce, 0.04 dex; Nd, 0.01dex; and Eu, 0.02 dex. The homogeneity of the HR 1614 group in age andabundance suggests that it is the remnant of a dispersed star-formingevent. Its kinematical coherence shows that such a dispersing systemneed not be significantly perturbed by external dynamical influencessuch as Galactic spiral structure or giant molecular clouds, at leastover a period of 2 Gyr.

Pulkovo compilation of radial velocities for 35495 stars in a common system.
Not Available

The reality of old moving groups - the case of HR 1614. Age, metallicity, and a new extended sample
We prove the existence of the old and metal-rich moving group HR 1614.This is done using the new Hipparcos parallaxes in combination withmetallicities derived from Strömgren photometry, supported bydynamical simulations of the evolution of old moving groups in thegalactic potential. A new selection criterion for this moving group ispresented as well as a new, extended sample of probable member stars. Inparticular we find that the HR 1614 moving group has an age of about 2Gyr (using Bertelli et al. 1994 isochrones) and a [Fe/H] =~ 0.19 +/-0.06 dex. We also revisit and apply our new selection criterion to thesamples in Eggen (1992) and Eggen (1998b). It is found that, whenbinaries and stars with too low metallicity have been removed, 15 of hisstars fulfill our criteria. Based on observations with the ESA Hipparcossatellite.

Large and kinematically unbiased samples of G and K type stars. I - The dwarfs
Four-color, H-beta, and (R,I) photometry for the little-evolvedmain-sequence stars from the Bright Star Catalogue, South Galactic Pole,Griffin (1971), and Moore-Paddock-Wayman (Moore and Paddock 1950, andWayman 1960) samples are analyzed. The luminosity and heavy-elementabundances for these stars are calculated in terms of the Hyadessupercluster, the Wolf 630 group, the Sirius supercluster, and theKapteyn star group. The data reveal the presence of a metal-abundancedependent discontinuity near M(v) = +7 mag in the photometric parametersof dwarfs. The distributions of the abundances and the space motions ofthe sample stars are discussed.

Intermediate-band photometry of late-type stars. VII. The HR 1614 group of overabundant stars.
Abstract image available at:http://adsabs.harvard.edu/cgi-bin/nph-bib_query?1978ApJ...222..203E&db_key=AST

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Apparent магнитуда:9.542
Proper motion RA:77.6
Proper motion Dec:-123.8
B-T magnitude:10.512
V-T magnitude:9.623

Каталог и designations:
Proper имена   (Edit)
HD 1989HD 222655
TYCHO-2 2000TYC 8017-1315-1
USNO-A2.0USNO-A2 0450-40718990
HIPHIP 116970

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